
Wismec Luxotic MF Box

Wismec's Luxotic line of products has proven to be very popular over the past year, and a new addition to the Luxotic line is due to hit the market in August 2018...

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Wismec's Luxotic line of products has proven to be very popular over the past year, and a new addition to the Luxotic line is due to hit the market in August 2018...

This will follow on from the Luxotic BF Box and the Luxotic NC, and it be known as the Luxotic MF Box. There will be an option to purchase the Luxotic MF Box on its own, or as a kit which includes the Wismec Guillotine V2 RDA.


  • Can be used as a squonk mod or box mod
  • Can be purchased as a kit with the Guillotine V2 RDA
  • 47.5mm x 27.6mm x 87mm dimensions
  • 181.6g weight
  • 0.91inch OLED screen
  • Interchangeable circuit boards
  • 100W maximum output wattage
  • Compatible with a single 18650 or 21700 battery
  • Also able to use two 18650 batteries
  • 7ml squonk bottle capacity
  • Replaceable spring loaded 510 connector

Customisation is a big feature with the Luxotic MF Box, not only can it be used as a squonk mod or standard box mod (by covering up the bottle with the included magnetic door), but components of the mod itself can actually be easily swapped in and out! 

For instance, the 510 connector can easily be unscrewed and replaced, allowing you to swap in a different coloured one for instance. The squonk bottle can be removed, and by inserting a battery adaptor you can use two 18650 batteries! Finally, the circuit board itself can be swapped out, and you can use a variable voltage board or direct output board.

It's great to see manufacturers consistently looking to innovate, and the Luxotic MF Box looks like a really interesting mod! Stay tuned to POTV for a full review in the near future!

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Dan Willis

Journalist at POTV
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Dan was an early adopter of vaping as a way to quit smoking and has seen and done pretty much all there is to see and do in the vaping world!  From Ego batteries to mechs and from rebuildables to pods there isn't much that Dan hasn't tried.

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