Politics & Campaigns

Politics & Campaigns


Parliament heard calls to ban disposables, to make vapes more expensive, to ban vaping in public places and cars, and to make all vape products have plain packaging

Politics & Campaigns


Questions and answers about vaping and tobacco harm reduction from the House of Commons

Politics & Campaigns


Questions and answers about vaping and tobacco harm reduction from the House of Commons

Politics & Campaigns


Another catch-up article of the political debate surrounding vaping from the first half of April – these MPs have gone vape crazy

Politics & Campaigns


Parliament had the temerity to ask a lot of questions about vaping while POTV’s news department was away on holiday

Politics & Campaigns

Oz Ban Doubles Down On Stupid

Australia mounted a “crackdown” on vaping, only for it to fail and boost the black market. So, to address its failure, it plans to do it all over again – but tougher!

Politics & Campaigns

Government Calls For Teen Evidence

As part of its broadly welcomed changes to its approach to vaping, the UK Government has called for evidence about teen vaping and how best to combat it

Politics & Campaigns

Glasgow Council Seeks Disposables Ban

A ban on the sale of single use vapes is being called for by Glasgow City Council amid growing health and environmental concerns

Politics & Campaigns

Consumers Issued A Call To Action

Consumer charity The New Nicotine Alliance has issued a call to action for UK vapers as the World Health Organisation plans “a global assault on vaping”

Politics & Campaigns

Government Pledges Teen Crackdown

The Government has pledged a crackdown on the illegal sale of vapes to combat “rising levels of youth vaping”