Politics & Campaigns

Urgent: Vape Tax

The New Nicotine Alliance consumer charity is warning vapers that they only have until tomorrow to object to the proposed vape tax

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The New Nicotine Alliance consumer charity is warning vapers that they only have until tomorrow to object to the proposed vape tax. Although parliament has been dissolved in advance of the general election, the business of government continues so the consultation process is still ongoing. All submitted responses will therefore still be read and considered. 

The New Nicotine Alliance says: “If you have not already submitted a response, please do so by the deadline of midnight on Wednesday.

We have produced a guide on how to respond which you can read here. Please also share it with anyone else you think may wish to have their say on the matter.”

At the foot of this article is a link to the New Nicotine Alliance’s submission. 

In it, the charity states: “We believe that the proposed tax structure and rates will be extremely damaging to public health. It is clear that the proposals have been designed without a full understanding of nicotine, vaping, or vape devices. As such, the stated objectives of the duty are deeply flawed.”

The New Nicotine Alliance concludes: “The only result of the vape duty proposals will be a significant deterrent to smokers who are considering switching to vaping, an increase in sales of illicit products, and relapse by many back to smoking cigarettes. By implementing this suite of duty rates, the government is ensuring that the Smokefree 2030 target will not be achieved.”

The New Nicotine Alliance is a registered charity and consumer association representing current and future consumers of low-risk alternatives to cigarettes, such as vaping and nicotine pouches. The NNA confirms that it holds no conflicts of interest concerning the tobacco, nicotine, or pharmaceutical industries. 

Many of us have experienced first- hand the benefits of vaping and other low-risk products to escape smoking. We also count public health experts among our board members, associates, and supporters,” it says.


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Dave Cross

Journalist at POTV
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Dave is a freelance writer; with articles on music, motorbikes, football, pop-science, vaping and tobacco harm reduction in Sounds, Melody Maker, UBG, AWoL, Bike, When Saturday Comes, Vape News Magazine, and syndicated across the Johnston Press group. He was published in an anthology of “Greatest Football Writing”, but still believes this was a mistake. Dave contributes sketches to comedy shows and used to co-host a radio sketch show. He’s worked with numerous start-ups to develop content for their websites.

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