Latest News

American Tales

Latest news from across the pond.

Vaping & Quitting

Doctor Michael Siegel returns to sensible commentary about public health issues.

The Beginning of the End?

USA market reaction to CDC reported trends predicting the end of vaping

All Change

Vaping now banned across all Transport for London vehicles and stations/depots

20 Top Vaping Quotes

Inspirational words from the vaping world's leading scientists

Thinking Of The Children

Studies on youth vaping from the States, Germany and Poland

Nicotine Addiction

Are we addicted to the nicotine or just the act of smoking?

"Stealth" Vaping ban by Transport for London

It has been announced that the use of electronic cigarettes has been banned on all TfL properties.

New Planet of the Vapes Site

Information about the new look Planet of the Vapes and what we have in store!

McKee’s A Jolly Good Fellow

Martin McKee is a professor of European public health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine