Latest News

Breaking The Law

The Totally Wicked Tobacco Products Directive court case looms large.

7 Reasons Why The Debate Is Bad

Advocacy, argument, debate and the art of swearing at strangers.

I Don’t Like It

Let’s be honest, this is about the limit to ecig objections.

Mourn in the USA

The response to the PHE “95%” report was mixed in the Land of the Free

The Parent Trap

Research from the Academic Paediatric Association highlights knowledge gaps in American parents who are vapers.

Bauld Statements

Linda Bauld holds forth on the links between young people and vaping.

CEHtastrophic Levels of Stupidity

US Centre for Environmental Health plans to take ecigs to court and releases a flawed 'report'.

Tied Up In Notts

Nottinghamshire County Council plans employee ecig ban

Box Frenzy - Initial Problems with the VTbox200

“Can you dig it?” asked Vape Cige. “There is no love between us anymore,” replied many customers.

Youth Youth Youth

Generation X advocates are still obsessed with today’s Generation Z (and saving them from ecigs).
