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BMJ Signals Success
The British Medical Journal carries article from NIHR Signals that celebrates Peter Hajek’s acclaimed efficacy study
UKVIA Industry Forum
The ‘best of the rest’ coverage from the 2019 UKVIA Industry Forum in London last week
Big T Wars
The tobacco industry continues its bitter battle for dominance in the American vape/harm reduction markets
No Second-hand Risk
Latest study demonstrates negligible risk to the general public from vaping as a hospital group spreads lies about third-hand dangers
Vaping in Public Places
The subject of ‘freedom to vape’ generated some excellent discussion points at The UKVIA Industry Forum 2019
Coming to your favourite news outlet soon: nonsense about methemoglobinemia thanks to a case study in America
NNA Continues Call For NHS Action
The New Nicotine Alliance continues its push to encourage NHS Trusts to reform their approach to vaping
Drugs And The Surgeon General
US Surgeon General Jerome Adams deliberately pours another bucket of nonsense over vaping, confusing it with drug taking
Vaping Harm Reduction
POTV spoke to public health experts about the dangers of vaping and why vapers should switch to cigarette smoking as soon as possible
NZ To Promote Vaping As Safer
Mixed messages in New Zealand look like they’re coming to an end as the government shifts to promote vaping as a safer alternative