Latest News
Scottish Prison Success
Vaping has helped the smoking ban to be a “major success” in Scottish prisons according to NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde expert
Bad Language
Researchers suggest that public health messages should use the word ‘cigarette’ more to influence opinion negatively when it comes to vaping
Breastfeeding Study
Researchers at the University of Nottingham’s Primary Care School of Medicine produce positive conclusions for vaping while breastfeeding
The American RICO act is designed to combat organised crime; it has played a central role in the latest joke related to vaping
USA ‘Lung’ Outbreak Commentaries
More information is coming to light about the rash of lung incidents in the United States
Teen Vaping
Vape use is up 30%, screams a Californian newspaper article, but the smoking rate fall is buried in the article as it rubbishes anti-vape arguments
BREAKING: JUUL Attacks VTA Lawsuit
JUUL Labs has announced its opposition to the VTA lawsuit and speaks of its intention to leave the trade body at membership renewal time
Trials in Thailand
Well known Dutch singer and TV presenter becomes another victim of Thailand’s anti-vape crackdown
Pop-up Lungs
As the media continues to flood itself with tales of lung issues, balance and truth finally comes out of a Californian public health department
VTA Sues US Government
The Vapor Technology Association filed a lawsuit against the Food and Drug Administration over its Pre-Market Tobacco Application accelerated filing deadline