Latest News
Stop Smoking With VPZ
VPZ, the UK’s largest retailer of vaping products, has launched a new stop smoking service after ASH and Cancer Research UK found that 44% of local authorities no longer have a specialist service
Chapman Demonstrates His Expertise
Simon Chapman, staunch anti-vaping campaigner and online troll, demonstrated his barely lucid ability to communicate
Cheeky End To Advertising
The latest and possibly the last significant vaping marketing campaign in New Zealand has been launched
UAE Welcomes The World
The United Arab Emirates is to host the World Vape Show in Dubai in 2020, celebrating the fact that vaping is finally allowed in the region
Study: No Gateway Found
A new study adds to the current wealth of evidence that there is no evidence to support the theory that vaping acts as a gateway into smoking
Stealthy Research Shocker
The research funding gravy train gifted Penn State College of Medicine staff funds to conduct another pointless study looking at stealth vaping
Marewa Glover Attacked
New Zealander of the Year nominee Marewa Glover has been subjected to inane attacks as anti-vape zealots display cultish behaviour
India Jail Proposal
Indian Ministry of Health pushes for a national ban on the manufacture and importation of vape products – and jail for those selling kit or juice
Yogi Makes a Boo-Boo
In a piece copy-pasted from America, the UK’s Guardian newspaper asks if recycling is “Vaping’s other problem”
NZ Marked Safe
New Zealand’s Ministry of Health has marked the country safe from vape-related lung conditions