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Vaping News

Canadian Group Calls For Reform

Rights4Vapers, Canada’s largest vapers’ rights and safer nicotine advocacy movement, is calling on the federal government to dismantle and defund its so-called tobacco control organisations

Vaping News

Brazil’s Plan To Save Millions Of Lives

Brazil is “on the cusp of a public health miracle” as it prepares to legalise vapes in the ongoing war against smoking, according to international health experts

Vaping News

Poland’s Setback Tax

Poland’s new tax hike on vaping represents a complete setback for tobacco harm reduction efforts, according to the World Vapers' Alliance

Vaping News

Ecig Summit 2024

Organisers of Ecig Summit 2024 are delighted to announce the speakers and draft agenda for its 12th annual event, taking place at the Royal College of Physicians on the 5th of December

Vaping News

UN Report Slammed

Harm reduction advocate Nancy Loucas has exposed the flaws contained in a UN Special Rapporteur’s harm reduction report, calling it a dangerous setback in the global fight against smoking-related deaths

Vaping News


Parliament is slowly waking up to the business of sorting out its approach to vaping and we have seen a number of questions and responses recently

Vaping News

Sunak’s Missing Millions

Back in January, then Prime Minister Rishi Sunak pledged to destroy illegal vaping and committed to a series of measures including a promise to deliver £30M to Trading Standards

Vaping News

UKVIA’s FOI Findings

£30 million promised to local authorities for Trading Standards enforcement operations by Rishi Sunak’s Conservative government was never delivered, finds an FOI from UKVIA

Vaping News

ASH Welcomes Health Commission Report

The Action on Smoking and Health charity has welcomed a report from IPPR’s Health Commission setting out its vision for future health policy including a polluter pays levy on tobacco manufacturers

Vaping News

Ignorance Is A Death Sentence

Smoke Free Sweden’s Dr Delon Human backs up Professor Marewa Glover’s statement last week that lives will be lost if countries fail to follow Sweden’s smokefree example