Health & Studies

Health & Studies

Research: Mods vs Pods

Two research papers have concluded that high levels of nicotine in e-liquid do not raise the blood concentration of the chemical compound when compared to weaker juices

Health & Studies

Switching Reduces Vascular Damage

The Centre of Excellence for the acceleration of Harm Reduction has discovered that switching to vapes reduces vascular damage and the onset of smoking-related diseases

Health & Studies

Disposables Survey Fuels Teen Concern

Latest findings from the annual CRUK and ASH survey have fuelled concerns that disposable vapes are too readily accessible by young people

Health & Studies

Cochrane’s April Update

The Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group provides its latest monthly review looking at the use of e‐cigarettes to aid smoking cessation

Health & Studies

First Time Vapers Survey

First time vapers value specialist advice in helping them quit conventional cigarettes, according to the UK Vaping Industry Association

Health & Studies

No Contaminants

The Centre of Excellence for the Acceleration of Harm Reduction conducted research and found no contaminants in e-liquids and evidence of lower risk

Health & Studies

Flavour Bans: The Evidence

Professor Michael Siegel and research assistant Amanda Katchmar have conducted a study looking at the evidence surrounding restrictions on flavoured electronic cigarette sales

Health & Studies

Doctors’ Recommendations

More American doctors are talking to patients about switching to vaping – but only because the smokers are pushing for it

Health & Studies

Study Oz Success

With Australia in the grip of an American-style hysterical approach to tobacco harm reduction, new research shows that vaping helps Australian smokers quit and remain smoke-free

Health & Studies

Irish Vapers Surveyed

RED C has conducted research on behalf of Respect Vapers looking at what vapers use and why – and what impact a ban might have