Health & Studies
Anti-Vape Oz Twits
Anti-vape researchers in Australia have got flustered about vape companies telling the truth about vaping on Twitter
Daily Vaping Aids Quitting
A new “comprehensive” study in the Nicotine & Tobacco Research journal finds that people who vape daily are more likely to find success in quitting smoking
Second-Rate Yale Study
Researchers at prestigious Yale University ignore the obvious to state new fears about JUUL vanilla flavouring, aiming to stock fear about all eliquids
Flavour Toxicity
Farsalinos and Lagoumintzis respond to fears over vape flavours by highlighting that it is the dose that makes the poison.
Mouse-Brained Research
More junk science from California, as researchers make the claim that eliquids cause damage to "specialised cells".
Unscientific American
The monthly magazine Scientific American just published a story about vaping but uses a poor, rehashed 2017 study as anti-tobacco harm reduction propaganda
Vapers Save Money
Researchers at University College London discover that vaping saves you money in a new study published in the Addiction journal
Canadian Data Causes Celebration
A paper indicating a rise in the number of teen vapers in Canada causes some to celebrate and attempt to goad harm reduction advocates
Vape Advertising Doesn’t Renormalise Smoking
A team of researchers from The University of East London and London South Bank University looked at vape advertising and concluded it doesn’t renormalise smoking
Heavy Metal
Anti-vape campaigners are touting the dangers of heavy metals in vapour to the media again, but does it pose the problems they claim?