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Coughing & Vaping: What all vapers need to know


Sep 6, 2012

Why do some people cough when they vape? How common is this, what causes it, and what can you do about it?

We've been pestering scientists, asking vapers and conducting surveys - here's what we found out!
That's a very useful article bringing together all of the info/theories in one spot. There is nothing so irritating than a smoker saying 'give us a drag then' and then histrionically coughing up a lung.

I'm with Chris Price (I couldnt copy/paste his comment from the article here) on his belief that tobacco products contain 1000's of chemicals some of which are designed to ensure we can breathe in the smoke without irritation. Absent from eliquid.
Most smokers tend to draw cigarette smoke directly into their lungs.

But many vapers draw vapor into their mouths before inhaling into their lungs.

Is that actually correct?.. Not the vape part but the cigarette part.. I can't imagine anything worse than lung hitting a cigarette, and I think I would have felt that way about it when I was on 20 roll ups a day too :S

I've never known anyone to smoke a cigarette like that. OK - have at me all you ex cigarette lung hitters!

Other than that, interesting article. I've always felt a bit resentful of being put on 18mg nic by the local shop when I first started.. They did the classic 'how many do you smoke a day'. Personally I don't think how many you smoke a day is as an important question as 'what do you smoke', as somebody who smokes roll ups is going to be used to a very different smoother and creamier puff than the harshness of cheap tailors (especially the menthols throat hit), a cigar or a pipe. Then it's down to the customer to decide how often they want to vape and if they want to increase their nic level. But hey - I'm not a vendor and don't deal with it all day long..
Is that actually correct?.. Not the vape part but the cigarette part.. I can't imagine anything worse than lung hitting a cigarette, and I think I would have felt that way about it when I was on 20 roll ups a day too :S

I've never known anyone to smoke a cigarette like that.

Over the years I've always said that everyone used to mouth to lung cigs. I did, and so did everyone I knew back then (1970's) when I started. And to the best of my knowledge now. I remember in 1974 looking up to this cool kid in a form above me drawing on a Marlboro. Dragging it in then almost letting the smoke creep out of his mouth, then drawing it back sharply for 'a nice kick at the back of my throat'.

Since then my view on what was a 'normal' way to smoke has changed simply because so many folks say differently. Possibly a generational thing. I know that lung hitting vaping devices were not natural for me at all but with reduced nic I can and do enjoy it occasionally now.

I've noticed that few talk about 'Throat hit' these days but its part of the experience for me
drawing on a Marlboro. Dragging it in then almost letting the smoke creep out of his mouth, then drawing it back sharply for 'a nice kick at the back of my throat'.

Is it wrong that really makes me want a Marlboro :11: Look how damn impressionable I am, it's no wonder I started smoking in the first place!
Bellywoman lung hitted cigarettes but cant lung hit when vaping, fits of coughing ensue.

I showed her mouth to lung and she's good with CE4's but as soon as I introduce a tank/atty into the equation she's coughing herself to death again, kinda counterintuitive I know and its a PITA but she's happy so hey ho....
This is why I believe cig-a-likes are a great gateway to vaping. I started on the cig-a-likes and avoided that first uncomfortable cough.
I was a chain smoking lung hitter, on pre-made and rollies.... The only thing I mouth-to-lunged was cigars (I do miss my cigars)....
I was so glad when I discovered full airflow atties....
Always mouth to lung on the ciggies and cigars for me, then direct lung hits since I started vaping, not a conscious thing, just the way it happened.

Always mouth to lung on the ciggies and cigars for me, then direct lung hits since I started vaping, not a conscious thing, just the way it happened.


I've possibly completely messed up that part of the article - have adjusted to take into account feedback!
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